Adrian Adger to speak at Townsend Street Presbyterian Church

Friday 6th September 2019
Adrian Adger to speak at Townsend Street Presbyterian Church

Minister and Author, Rev Adrian Adger will visit Townsend Street Presbyterian Church in Belfast on Friday 6th September 2019 to speak about his life and testimony. The event will begin at 7:30pm.

Ahoghill man, Adrian, will be sharing from his recently published book: ‘Facing Cancer Standing Tall’, which details how he has found strength to live with the disease.

Adrian Adger to speak at Townsend Street Presbyterian Church

In February 2017, Adrian, who is now Minister of Clough and Seaforde Presbyterian Churches in County Down, went to Daisy Hill Hospital in Newry with a pain in his side.
Initially told he had a kidney stone; Adrian’s world was shortly to be rocked by the news that a malignant tumour had formed on his kidney. Though a shocking diagnosis, the news was tempered by a scan which showed the lanthanoids around the kidney were clear.
Following his surgery, all seemed well until Adrian’s six-month scan revealed devastating news: the cancer had spread, and lesions were now attached to his abdomen. Consequently, he was given a very bleak prognosis.

Tears and questions followed with Adrian wondering if the Lord had allowed him to have cancer as a punishment for doing something wrong.
God is quick to reassure him that Jesus had paid the price for all his sins when He died on the Cross, cancer was not a further penalty.

Adrian is quick to say that he could not have got through his illness without the love and support of many friends and family. In particular, he pays tribute to his wife, Karen. Candidly admitting that she is the ‘best thing’ ever to happen to him, Adrian admits that her love and faith has strengthened him at times when he has questioned his circumstances.

Also faithful in love and support have been the members of Clough & Seaforde, where Adrian has ministered since 2015. Upon hearing of his bleak prognosis, the elders gathered at the Manse to anoint Adrian with oil and pray over him in accordance with God’s Word as outlined in James 5:14.
In the aftermath of their intercessions, three excellent scan results followed before the news in January 2019 that the cancer had spread again, this time to Adrian’s liver.

Subsequently, Adrian was offered immunotherapy which he is currently undergoing. He praises God for this and has taken hold afresh of the words in Philippians 1:6: ‘being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.’

Rev Adrian Adger to speak at Townsend Street Presbyterian Church, Belfast

Friday 6th September 2019 at 7:30pm

Anyone who would like to know more about this event or any aspect of the work at Townsend Street Presbyterian Church, may contact Rev Jack Lamb on 07720 29 39 41. His email address is The church is also on Facebook here.

belfastfacing cancer standing tallminister of clough and seaforde presbyterian churchesrev adrian adgerrev jack lambtownsend street presbyterian church