Venue confirmed for Flourish ‘Pastoring the Pastor’ Conference

Trinity Methodist Church, Lisburn
Venue confirmed for Flourish ‘Pastoring the Pastor’ Conference

The venue has been confirmed for the upcoming Flourish ‘Pastoring the Pastor’ Conference. It will be held in Trinity Methodist Church, Ballymacross Avenue, Lisburn BT28 6GU on Thursday 10th October 2019. The Conference will run from 12.30pm – 4.30pm. You can find a map and get directions to the venue if needed here.

Venue confirmed for Flourish ‘Pastoring the Pastor’ Conference

Flourish, a suicide prevention initiative, is supported by the four main Church Leaders and is also backed by the Public Health Agency.

Looking ahead to the conference, a Flourish spokesperson told The Church Page:
“We invite all clergy, pastors, ministry leaders, church staff and lay pastoral carers to attend our regional conference being held on World Mental Health Day.
This event will focus on self-care for those caring for others and will consist of a keynote speaker as well as three facilitated round table discussions. A buffet lunch will be provided and this is a free event for all participants.”

Flourish ‘Pastoring the Pastor’ Conference

Trinity Methodist Church, Ballymacross Avenue, Lisburn

Thursday 10th October 2019

For a registration form please email or phone Lighthouse on 02890755070.
For more information about this initiative, log on to the Flourish NI website here.

church leadersflourishflourish 'pastoring the pastor' conferenceflourish niflourish suicide prevention initiativelisburnpastoring the pastorpublic health agencytrinity methodist church