‘The Big Sleep Out’ for The Net Youth Project – James McAlister

‘The Big Sleep Out’ for The Net Youth Project – James McAlister

James McAlister, Centre Coordinator for Comber Youth for Christ (aka, The Net Youth Project), is currently undertaking ‘The Big Sleep Out’ in support of this work.

In the following article, James explains why the NET Project is important and how you can help.

James McAlister who is currently in the middle of The Big Sleep Out fundraiser for Comber Youth For Christ – The Net Youth Project, along with his family

He writes: “Imagine that you were asked, if money was no object what would you do? – I’m pretty sure my answer would be, to do what I’m already doing – the only difference being we wouldn’t be restricted by finances!

My name is James McAlister and I am the Centre Coordinator for Comber Youth for Christ (aka, The Net Youth Project).

I’ve had the most incredible nine years working in Comber Youth for Christ and have had the privilege of journeying with some incredible young people through our drop-in centre. Through the highs and lows of their lives we have been present; consistent in provision, supportive in relationships and committed to the long term engagement of every child and young person we meet in the hope that they will one day reach their full, God-given potential.

The Big Sleep Out

So what’s a Sleep Out got to do with this? Simply put, I’m giving up something I love and enjoy [my bed and a decent nights sleep] for something that I love even more – the young people of The Net! They are worth me going through The Big Sleep Out for.

We have some amazing plans ahead for this coming academic year.

– C O N N E C T : a young parents peer group, providing support, resources and training to be even better parents than they already are.

– A D V A N C E : a homework group aimed at providing additional support to young people in education.

– V I N T A G E : an inter-generation programme providing a space for some of our more vulnerable members of the community.

– S O L O : An Autism Drop In Session for 15-18 year olds, in partnership with NAS Ards.

Would you like to support The Net Youth Project?

With some of these programmes on the cards we need supporters to get behind us to ensure that we continue to meet the needs of young people in our community, to help them know Jesus more and journey with them as they begin to know that they are made for more.

If you want to get in supporting me in some way here’s what to do:

1. Click on this link and make a one off donation through Justgiving.

2. Set up a regular standing order by clicking on this link for information on how to get involved in our ‘100 & 10’ initiative – 100 people giving £10 per month.

3. If you want to know more about the work we do then fire us an email at:

Thanks for reading and thanks for donating as we help young people reach their full potential.”

Find out more about Comber Youth For Christ – The Net Youth Project on their website here.

combercomber youth for christjames mcalisterthe big sleep outthe net youth projectyouth for christ