Evening of Praise in Portrush Town Hall

Friday 28th June 2019 at 8pm
Evening of Praise in Portrush Town Hall

You are invited to an Evening of Praise in Portrush Town Hall. The event, organised by John Morrison Radio Ministry, will take place on Friday 28th June 2019 at 8pm.
John himself will compere the event. He is looking forward to being joined on stage by Nigel Davidson, Heavenly Sunshine, George Graham and Jacqueline Prentice.

John broadcasts the gospel regularly on various radio stations. Locally, he is heard on the popular Country Gospel Hour every Sunday morning between 9am-10am and every Sunday evening from 8.30pm-9.30pm on Radio North 846 Medium Wave. In addition, he also presents a ten-minute slot every morning at 7.30am and two Drive-Time broadcasts at 5.15pm every Tuesday and Friday on the same radio station.

He also broadcasts from West Limerick, County Mayo, and County Cork on other radio stations.
Recently, a book on Country Music by Kevin Martin was launched, and a chapter is devoted to the valuable contribution John Morrison has made to Country Gospel Music during the past 25 years on 18 different radio stations.

Evening of Praise at Portrush Town Hall

An Evening of Praise in Portrush Town Hall – Friday 28th June at 8pm

John Morrison would love to see you at there. A freewill offering in support of the Radio Ministry will be taken.
He can also be heard on www.radionorth.net

evening of praise in portrush town halljohn morrisonjohn morrison radio ministryportrushportrush twon hallradio north