Hope For Youth Ministries Bible Fun Week | Ballymena Academy

Hope For Youth Ministries Bible Fun Week | Ballymena Academy

Primary school children are all invited to the Hope For Youth Ministries Bible Fun Week in Ballymena ~

  • from 17th to 21st June 2019
  • in Ballymena Academy
  • from 7:00 to 8:00pm each evening.

The organisers say.

“Planning is well underway for the annual Hope for Youth Ministries Bible Fun Week in Ballymena. It won’t be long now until the busy programme gets going!

The Bible Fun Week at Ballymena Academy is for all boys and girls who are at primary school. The team have planned a week of activities including games, quizzes…with prizes! worksheets & singing. Also the crucial part of a Bible Fun Week – Bible stories.

Hope For Youth Ministries Bible Fun Week | Ballymena Academy

The Bible Fun Week leaders, along with Colin Tinsley of Hope For Youth Ministries have a great week planned. A programme where the children can enjoy a fun filled time and at the same time learn more about Jesus and how He can transform lives. If getting them there is an issue, don’t worry, look out for a bus stop near you or contact any of the mobile numbers at the bottom of the flyer. 

We know that Colin and the leaders of the Bible Fun Week at Ballymena Academy would love to see lots of children coming along to this really exciting week. Please encourage any children of primary school age you know to come along. Remember to also pray for this event and everyone involved in it.

Hope For Youth Ministries Bible Fun Week

Ballymena Academy

from 17th to 21st June 2019

If you need to speak to someone about the Bible Fun Week, use any of the following numbers. Phone 07801 792324, 07803 196166 or 07849 737820.

Find out more about Colin Tinsley and his work with Hope For Youth Ministries on their Facebook page here.

ballymenaballymena academybible fun week in ballymenacolin tinsleyhope for youth ministrieshope for youth ministries bible fun week