Healing Meeting in Portadown Town Hall

Saturday 1st June 2019
Healing Meeting in Portadown Town Hall

Studio 18 have organised another Healing Meeting, this time for Saturday 1st June 2019 in Portadown Town Hall. The meeting will run from 8pm-10pm.

David Robinson, who leads these meetings alongside John Greenaway told The Church Page of some recent successes:
“Our last meeting in Cookstown saw the Lord save two souls and heal many of those who had need of healing.”

Healing Meeting in Portadown Town Hall

“Sight and hearing are being restored; painful joint conditions are being relieved and people with depression are experiencing the new hope that only comes from new life in Jesus.”, he added.

David went on to explain that the forthcoming meeting was free for everyone to attend as Jesus had already paid the cost in full, thanks to his death on the cross.

Portadown Town Hall is found at 15 Edward Street, Craigavon, Portadown BT62 3LX.

Healing Meeting in Portadown Town Hall

Saturday 1st June 2019 starting at 8pm

David and John welcome everyone to this event

For more information on David Robinson and the work of Studio 18, click on this link.
Also you can read daily devotional thoughts on the Godspot Facebook page here. 

david robinsonhealing meeting in portadown town halljohn greenawayportadownportadown town hallstudio 18