Mini Summer School With Desi Maxwell at West Church, Ballymena

10th-11th May 2019
Mini Summer School With Desi Maxwell at West Church, Ballymena

West Presbyterian Church, Ballymena are hosting a Mini Summer School with Desi Maxwell of Xplorations Ministries. It takes place on Friday 10th May 2019 from 7:30pm to 9:30pm and Saturday 11th May from 9:30am to 12noon.

The topic is “ The GREATEST and the least” reflecting on John the Baptist. The cost is £40 including coffee and notes.

Mini Summer School With Desi Maxwell at West Church, Ballymena

Looking forward to the event, Desi Maxwell said: “We already run a very popular summer school in Lisburn during the last week in July (22-26th).
The one at West Church is intended to give people who are very faithful in Bible Study, an opportunity to enjoy the course material over a shorter period of time.
My aim with this course, is to take people to a window and to let them see an overview of the entire Bible through the lens of John the Baptist. Many people tend to compartmentilise the Bible but, in reality, John stands at the gateway between the Old Testament and the New.”

He added: “I love to teach this material because it makes us think about the whole Bible, deepens devotion and inspires awe. In a similar vein people who come on our study tours of Israel often say that they have a growing awareness of the Bible as a coherent whole rather than a disconnected series of stories.”

You can register now for the Mini Summer School with Desi Maxwell at West Church, Ballymena

Registrations can be made on the Xplorations Ministries website here or by telephone – 028 9267 0310.

West Presbyterian Church address is 19 Ballymoney Road, Ballymena BT43 5BS.

ballymenadesi maxwellmini summer school with desi maxwellwest churchwest presbyterian churchxplorations ministries
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