Presbyterian Women 2019 Annual Conference

Thursday 9th May 2019
Presbyterian Women 2019 Annual Conference

The Presbyterian Women 2019 Annual Conference will be held in Assembly Buildings, Belfast on Thursday 9th May. Presbyterian Women (PW) is a women’s ministry within the Presbyterian Church in Ireland (PCI). Around 1,600 women from all over Ireland are expected to come together to worship and hear from God’s Word. Attendees will also find out how its work has made a difference this year at home and overseas.

Presbyterian Women 2019 Annual Conference

As part of women’s ministry within the Presbyterian Church, each of the 465 PW Groups seeks to encourage women to become Christians, to live for Jesus and to actively reach out to others at home and overseas.

Looking forward to the event, PCI’s Women’s Ministry and PW Development Officer, Pauline Kennedy, said that all women are welcome to attend the meeting on Thursday 9th May, which takes place from 2pm – 3:45pm and continues with an Evening Celebration from 7:30pm – 9pm. The events are free and there is no need to register.

“As we come together to worship and celebrate all that the Lord is doing throughout His church, we look forward to hearing what He has to say to us through His Word. This year our theme is ‘Restore’ and we will be focusing our hearts on Psalm 23, at the heart of which is the comforting and powerful assurance in verse 3 that ‘He Restores my soul,” Pauline Kennedy explained.

“God is in the business of restoration. He sees the potential in each one of us to make us into the people He wants us to be. We know that it will not happen fully until Christ returns, but for us as followers of Jesus Christ, the process has begun as he restores our souls each and every day. It is an inspirational theme for this year and we are very excited about it.”

Helen Warnock, Principal of Belfast Bible College, will speak at the Presbyterian Women 2019 Annual Conference.

Presbyterian Women 2019 Annual Conference

Helen Warnock, the Principal of Belfast Bible College, will be speaking on this year’s theme at both meetings. Helen was appointed at the end of 2016 having previously worked with the local church, Youth For Christ, and as the Director of Scripture Union Northern Ireland.

Speaking to the April edition of the Presbyterian Herald, Helen said “I am really looking forward to the Conference in May and I hope that I say something that resonates and inspires, but equally to be encouraged by the women that attend. I think we will have a really good afternoon and evening because people will come expectant to meet God. So, in some ways, as long as I don’t get in the way that will happen…I hope that there will be restoration in that space and in that time.”

Talking about the keynote speaker, Pauline said that she is passionate about seeing people of all ages develop and grow in their faith and is particularly interested in seeing people uncover their potential as faith, life and work intersect.

“During the afternoon meeting, Helen will give her first talk on the theme ‘Restore.’ The evening meeting will take the form of a celebration as she gives her second talk and further unpacks God’s Word. So please come expectantly joining with women from across Ireland to encounter Christ afresh and take His blessing and restoration hope back to your local churches and communities – to see lives restored,” Pauline said.

The conference will also hear from outgoing President Linda Stothers and how PW and women’s ministry have contributed to the life, mission and ministry of the Church at home and overseas. This year’s overseas special project, for example, raised £15,000 for International Justice Ministry (IMJ) and its work supporting child victims of cybersex trafficking. In April, Linda saw first-hand IMJ’s work in Cambodia. The home mission special project supported Trinity House, PCI’s residential care home in Garvagh, with a specific focus on dementia care.
This year’s home and overseas special projects will be unveiled at the conference as Presbyterian Women looks forward to welcoming Karen Craig, a member of Kilfennan Presbyterian Church in Londonderry, as their incoming president for 2019/20.

Find out more about the Presbyterian Women ministry on the PCI website here.

assembly buildingspresbyterian church in irelandpresbyterian womenpresbyterian women 2019 annual conferencewomen's ministry
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