Unmasking Fables | Promoting Truth – Townsend Street Presbyterian Church, Belfast

Friday 17th to Sunday 19th May 2019
Unmasking Fables | Promoting Truth – Townsend Street Presbyterian Church, Belfast

Unmasking Fables | Promoting Truth: ‘God’s answers to our big questions’ is taking place at Townsend Street Presbyterian Church in Belfast from Friday 17th to Sunday 19th May 2019.
The weekend will feature teaching from Dr Arthur Francis Green, author of ‘When Fables Fall’. Arthur will explain how to see the world, it’s history and its future through Biblical glasses.

Unmasking Fables | Promoting Truth - Townsend Street Presbyterian Church, Belfast

His teaching can be heard on Friday 17th May 2019 from 7pm-9:30pm, Saturday 18th May between 10am-3pm and on Sunday 19th May 2019 at 11:30am and 7pm.
Tea, coffee and soup will be provided. The event will run on a ‘come when you can, leave when you must’ basis. Admission is free and donations are welcome.

More details and copies of the book are available from Townsend Street Presbyterian minister, Rev Jack Lamb, by contacting him on 07720 293 941.

For those unfamiliar to Townsend Street Presbyterian Church, the address is 32 Townsend Street, Belfast BT13 2ES. (Map and directions here if needed.) It is on the Peter’s Hill side of the security barrier of Townsend Street. The War Memorial Hall is beside the main Church building.

Driving along the Westlink, you should leave at Divis Street, turning towards the City Centre. Turn first left (at the traffic lights) into Millfield and continue to the next crossroads. Turn left here unto Peter’s Hill and continue over the Westlink Bridge and turn into Townsend Street.

Unmasking Fables | Promoting Truth

‘God’s answers to our big questions’

Friday 17th to Sunday 19th May 2019.

Keep up to date with news and other events from Townsend Street Presbyterian Church, Belfast on their Facebook page here.

dr arthur francis greengod's answers to our big questionstownsend street presbyterian churchunmasking fables | promoting truthwhen fables fall
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