Ballet Magnificat perform ‘Prodigal’s Journey’ at Bangor Elim

Saturday 27 April 2019
Ballet Magnificat perform ‘Prodigal’s Journey’ at Bangor Elim

Ballet Magnificat perform ‘Prodigal’s Journey’ at Bangor Elim Church on Saturday 27th April 2019 at 7:30pm

Ballet Magnificat perform 'Prodigal's Journey' at Bangor Elim

Ballet Magnificat are the World’s Premier Christian Dance Company. Their performance of ‘Prodigal’s Journey’ in Bangor will be their first ever visit to Northern Ireland. Here is a little more about what will certainly be a stunning production.

‘Life in a small town is shaken up when a husband suddenly forsakes his loving wife with the desire to be free and find lasting fulfilment. Heartbroken, his wife struggles to forgive him and eagerly awaits his return.

The journey that he thought would bring pleasure ends up producing only sorrow and regret. After reaching the “dead-end” of a lifetime, the husband reaches for his wife’s bible for the very first time. He is lead to a story of Hosea, a prophet, and Gomer, a harlot.

As the story flows off the pages, he begins to understand that he has received the same unconditional love and forgivenes from God. He immediately returns home to ask forgiveness from his family- and he is received with open arms. God is truly a God of Second Chances.’

Ballet Magnificat perform ‘Prodigal’s Journey’ at Bangor Elim Church

Critical reviews of the play have been extremely positive:

“A night for all the family.”

“Every now and then a dramatic presentation comes along that pursues the Gospel with an unusual freshness and creativity that is deserving of the broadest possible exposure. Ballet Magnificat! is just that.”

“There’s no denying the emotional power of this company. These dancers have the kind of lit-from-within presence rarely seen outside the premier companies, and even there the radiant projection of feeling can be spotty. It may be an exaggeration to say that Ballet Magnificat is single -handedly keeping the fading narrative tradition of ballet alive , but I don’t know of any other company that exclusively performs original works, most of them full-length story ballets. And Ballet Magnificat’s dancers live their ballets …”

Everyone at Bangor Elim invites you to come along and enjoy an amazing and powerful night watching the ‘Prodigal’s Journey’ unfold in front of your eyes. You will find the church at 13 Balloo Crescent, Bangor, County Down, BT19 7WP

Tickets are priced at £10. Click here to buy yours on the Bangor Elim Complex website.

ballet magnificatballet magnificat perform 'prodigal's journey'bangorbangor elim churchchristian dance companycounty downprodigal's journey
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