Stuart Townend at Maze Presbyterian Church, Lisburn

Thursday 16th May 2019
Stuart Townend at Maze Presbyterian Church, Lisburn

World respected singer/songwriter, Stuart Townend is bringing his Courage Tour 2019 to Maze Presbyterian Church in Lisburn on Thursday 16th May 2019. The concert will begin at 7:30pm.

Stuart Townend at Maze Presbyterian Church, Lisburn

About Stuart Townend

Stuart Townend is one of today’s leading worship songwriters. Hymns such as “In Christ alone”, “How deep the Father’s love” and “The power of the cross” are sung in churches around the world. The skill and depth of his lyric writing has drawn some to compare his contribution to hymnody to that of Watts and Wesley.

The son of a Church of England vicar in Sowerby Bridge, West Yorkshire, Stuart was the youngest of four children. His father, Rev. John Townend, was vicar of Christ Church, Sowerby Bridge from 1974 until his death in a motor accident in 1985. Townend started learning to play the piano at age 7. At the age of 13, he made a Christian commitment, and began songwriting at age 22.
At university, he met Caroline, whom he married in 1988. They now have three children; Joseph, Emma and Eden.

Townend has performed at many Christian events and festivals over the years

Townend has led worship and performed at events across the world. He has sang at many conferences and festivals including the Stoneleigh Bible Week in the early 1990s to early 2000s, Mandate, Keswick Convention, Spring Harvest and many more. He has also featured on Songs of Praise and worked alongside other high-profile Christian musicians including Keith Getty, Lou Fellingham and Phatfish.

In 2005, Cross Rhythms magazine described Townend as “one of the most significant songwriters in the whole international Christian music field”. The Christian website commented that, “the uniqueness of Townend’s writing lies partly in its lyrical content. There is both a theological depth and poetic expression that some say is rare in today’s worship writing”.

Stuart Townend brings his Courage Tour 2019 to Maze Presbyterian Church, Lisburn

Thursday 16th May 2019 starting at 7:30pm.

Tickets available from Faith Mission Lisburn & Vic Ryn Cafe or by contacting the Church through their website here.
You can find the Church at 47 Kesh Road, BT27 5RR Lisburn. Click here for a map if needed.

christian musiccourage tour 2019lisburnmaze presbyterian churchsinger/songwriterstuart townend
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