Mission Africa Fundraising Coffee Morning

Mission Africa Fundraising Coffee Morning

You are invited to a Mission Africa Fundraising Coffee Morning in High Kirk Presbyterian Church, Ballymena. It will take place on Saturday 30th March 2019 from 10:30am to 1pm.

Mission Africa Fundraising Coffee Morning


Three Mission Africa volunteers are going on a trip to Africa later this year. They are Jackie Cranston,Trevor McIlroy and Naomi Crawford. The proceeds raised at the coffee morning will help with the trips and support Mission Africa’s summer projects, one of which is the building of two classrooms in Kenya.

We spoke to Trevor McIlroy who told us more about their plans for the upcoming trips –

“Three members of High Kirk Presbyterian Church will be heading to Africa in July 2019 with Mission Africa. The destinations are Nigeria  and Kenya. They will be part of larger teams involved in evangelism, compassion and outreach ministries in many different situations including schools, orphanages, prisons, old peoples homes and hospitals.

Additionally some of the Kenya team will be involved in the final stages of a classroom building project. This project involves the construction of two additional classrooms at a primary school which educates orphaned and vulnerable children. The total cost of the school project will be in the region of £10,000 and will also go towards feeding the children who attend the school.  Funds raised from the coffee morning will go to this project while the remainder will partly help with travel and accommodation costs. Support for this event will be greatly appreciated.”

Mission Africa Fundraising Coffee Morning

High Kirk Presbyterian Church, Ballymena

Saturday 30th March 2019 from 10:30am-1pm

Find a map for directions to High Kirk Church here. Read more about Mission Africa here.

ballymenahigh kirk presbyterian churchmission africamission africa fundraising coffee morning
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