Child Evangelism Fellowship Prayer Breakfast

Saturday 30th March 2019
Child Evangelism Fellowship Prayer Breakfast

You are invited to the Mid-Antrim Child Evangelism Fellowship Prayer Breakfast on Saturday 30th March 2019 at Ballee Baptist Church, 166 Toome Road, Ballymena BT42 2HX.

The breakfast will take place from 9am – 10:30pm and a full children’s programme will be available.

Child Evangelism Fellowship Prayer Breakfast

Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) has grown into the largest evangelistic outreach to children in the world. The International Headquarters of CEF are in Warrenton, Missouri, U.S.A.
The CEF work in Ireland started in 1950 with the first Good News Club in Bleary, outside Lurgan, Co. Armagh, in the home of Sam & Sadie Doherty. The first CEF open-air meetings in Lurgan and Portadown commenced soon after that and the first weekly training class was started in the Ferndale Hall in Belfast.

Now, there are many Good News Clubs throughout the province with summer camps taking place annually. The work of CEF in Mid-Antrim was begun by Annie Cross in 1965, and is currently directed by Mark and Cathy Donnelly.

Child Evangelism Fellowship Prayer Breakfast

Saturday 30th March 2019 at Ballee Baptist Church, Ballymena

from 9am – 10:30am.

All voluntary donations given at the breakfast will be used to support CEF’s work locally.  This Prayer Breakfast is part of a CEF year of prayer.

For more information on the work of Child Evangelism Fellowship, visit the CEF Ireland website here.

ballee baptist churchballymenacefcef irelandchild evangelism fellowshipchild evangelism fellowship prayer breakfastevangelistic outreach
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