‘The Man In White’ at Townsend Street Presbyterian Church, Belfast

Friday 29th March 2019
‘The Man In White’ at Townsend Street Presbyterian Church, Belfast

Colin Nevin, otherwise known as ‘The Man In White’ will share his story at Townsend Street Presbyterian Church in Belfast on Friday 29th March 2019 from 7pm.

‘The Man In White’ at Townsend Street Presbyterian Church, Belfast

‘Colin Nevin was born in Bangor on New Year’s Eve 1965 along with his twin brother Clyde. After Colin left school he trained to become a qualified chef which took him to England to work. He later went to Israel for ten years to work mainly at the prestigious Tel-Aviv Hilton feeding the rich and famous, including Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.
However, despite becoming a Christian at age 15 through Bangor YMCA, Colin had an inner struggle which he dealt with much later on, that of homosexuality, or same-sex attraction.
This is a subject that many churches and Christians shy away from, except of course to condemn people who become involved with this lifestyle. As a result many ‘gay’ people feel they could never grace the doors of a church.

Colin himself has faced rejection and ostracisation which resulted in him having to keep his struggle a secret whilst in church, or to lead an openly gay lifestyle. The two could never co-exist (and neither they could).
Colin’s story is one of pathos, honesty and compassion. In his concern for the millions caught up in this often disappointing lifestyle, Colin has at last brought his story to the world through the love of Jesus, who was tempted in all ways such as we, yet never sinned.’

Colin Nevin, ‘The Man In White’, at Townsend Street Presbyterian Church, Belfast

Friday 29th March 2019 from 7pm.

Townsend Street Presbyterian Church is located at 32 Townsend Street, Belfast BT13 2ES. Keep up-to-date with other events at Townsend Street Presbyterian Church on their Facebook page here.

belfastcolin nevinthe man in whitetownsend street presbyterian church
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