Big Breakfast & Craft Fair @ St Columba’s, Derryvolgie, Lisburn

Saturday 23rd March 2019
Big Breakfast & Craft Fair @ St Columba’s, Derryvolgie, Lisburn

A Big Breakfast & Craft Fair will take place at St Columba’s Parish Church, Derryvolgie in Lisburn on Saturday 23rd March 2019.
This event will run from 9:30am-1pm and admission is free. By going along, you will be supporting many local craft-makers and artists.

Big Breakfast & Craft Fair @ St Columba’s, Derryvolgie, Lisburn

No long search for the perfect Mother’s Day gift will be necessary this year as you are certain to find something for her at one of the 20 stalls!
How about a lovely scented candle from Ellie Mac Candles or a unique creation from Mii Design and clothing?
What’s more, the super-talented Tom Bevan will be bringing an array of wood turned items, with his pens always proving popular.

Proceeds from the morning will go towards the Church Fund.

St Columba’s Parish Church, Derryvolgie is located at 211 Belsize Road, Lisburn BT27 4DP. Click here for map. You can let them know if you are intending to go to the Big Breakfast & Craft Fair on their Facebook event page here.  

big breakfast & craft fairderryvolgielisburnst columba's parish church
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