‘Prepared To Go’ | Belfast Bible College

‘Prepared To Go’ | Belfast Bible College

‘Prepared to Go’ is a day of practical interactive training for anyone who will be engaging in short-term mission overseas. The one-day event is being hosted by Mission Action Partnership and held at Belfast Bible College. It takes place on Saturday 6th April 2019 from 9:30am – 4pm.

'Prepared To Go' | Belfast Bible College

The organisers say,

“‘Prepared To Go’ is an event for anyone for cross-cultural ministry on short-term mission trips! Just as we read of Jesus preparing his first disciples for cross-cultural mission so too, today, appropriate training can make all the difference to an individual or team’s ability to have a positive experience and make a significant impact on those who they go to serve and work amongst.

The training will be led by people with experience of sending and supporting short‐term mission teams overseas. Throughout the day there will also be time for questions and discussion. The aim of the day is to help prepare individuals, team leaders and members of teams who intend to be involved in short‐term mission overseas.”

Areas that will be covered during ‘Prepared To Go’ training day at Belfast Bible College include –

  • Sharing Faith Across Cultures
  • Health, Safety and Well-being
  • Team Development & Discipleship
  • Teaching English Effectively
  • Dealing with Poverty and Injustice
  • Understanding Islam
  • Ministering to Children

The cost is £10 and this includes tea/coffee throughout the day and lunch.

‘Prepared To Go’ is planned and organised by Mission Action Partnership and Belfast Bible College. You can find directions to the College here.


belfast bible collegemission action partnershipprepared to gosharing faith across culturesshort-term mission
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