Christianity Explored course at Wellington Presbyterian Church

Starts Wednesday 27th February 2019
Christianity Explored course at Wellington Presbyterian Church

You are invited to a seven-week Christianity Explored course at Wellington Presbyterian Church Ballymena. The course begins on Wednesday 27th February 2019 @ 7:30pm in Café Aroma in the church. It will continue for 7 consecutive Wednesdays.

Christianity Explored course at Wellington Presbyterian Church

Wellington’s Minister, Rev Alistair Bates told The Church Page:
“What’s the best news you have ever heard? We all get one life to live and deep down we’re all asking the same question – what’s it all about?

Come and find out at Christianity Explored in February 2019. We would love to see you there.”

Please feel free to share news of this event to your friends, family and work colleagues.

Christianity Explored course at Wellington Presbyterian Church Ballymena

starts Wednesday 27th February 2019 @ 7:30pm and continues for 7 consecutive Wednesday evenings.

For more information and news from Wellington Presbyterian Church Ballymena visit their website or find them on Facebook.

ballymenachristianity exploredChristianity Explored course at Wellington Presbyterian Churchrev alistair bateswellington presbyterian churchwhat's it all about
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