Kyle McDonald at Revive Markethill Christian Fellowship, Armagh

Thursday 31st January 2019
Kyle McDonald at Revive Markethill Christian Fellowship, Armagh

Kyle McDonald will be sharing God’s Word at Revive  Markethill Christian Fellowship, Armagh on Thursday 31st January 2019. The meeting starts at 7:30pm. Kyle has inspired many with his testimony of how God released him from a long-term addiction to prescription medication.

Kyle McDonald at Revive Markethill Christian Fellowship, Armagh

Looking forward to the meeting, Pastoral Care Leader at the fellowship, Aaron McDonald told us:
“After a truly amazing first meeting of the year where Kyle McDonald opened his heart, fully surrendered to God’s leading, we are blessed he will be with us again to share.
The message he brought was raw, challenging and anointed and most definitely delivered with a contrite heart giving all the glory to God.
So please join us! We would love to welcome you to what promises to be another great night at Revive Markethill Christian Fellowship.”
‘Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! (Psalm 133:1)

Kyle McDonald will speak at Revive  Markethill Christian Fellowship, Armagh

Thursday 31st January 2019 at 7:30pm.

Revive Markethill Christian Fellowship is located at Mowhan Road, Markethill, Co Armagh, BT60 1RR
You can find them on Facebook here to read more about events, services and news at the fellowship.

co armaghkyle mcdonaldmarkethillrevive markethill christian fellowshipsharing god's wordtestimony
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