Christmas Means More – PCI social media campaign

Christmas Means More – PCI social media campaign

Christmas Means More – a series of short videos launched by PCI for their Christmas 2018 social media campaign.

The Presbyterian Church in Ireland has launched a new social media campaign as Presbyterians share what Christmas means to them in a series of videos that will be released each day until Christmas Day.

Christmas Means More - PCI social media campaign

Twelve Presbyterians from a range of working backgrounds are sharing their faith in vlogs to explain why the season means more to them than long working hours in the jobs that they do. Those serving in full time and part time ministries have participated, as well as those in busy professions and vocations at this time of year. The short films include:

• PCI’s International Meeting Point on Belfast’s Lisburn Road which will serve Christmas Day dinners to around 140 people, including many refugees who are perhaps spending their first Christmas in Belfast.

• A Belfast hotel manager who will oversee the serving of 10,000 meals between now and New Year. He says that for him, Christmas is all about Christ and nothing else.

• A lady who admits to being a bit of a ‘baa humbug’ because she’s not a shopper is also featured – she became a Christian just after Christmas so this time of year means so much to her as she remembers back and is thankful for the birth of Jesus.

The first vlog is by landscape gardener and part time evangelist David Lorimer. Watch him as he explains how Christmas Means More to him.

Christmas Means More – PCI social media campaign for Christmas 2018

Presbyterian Moderator, Rt Rev Dr Charles McMullen, also took time to film a short video that will go out with the others on PCI’s Facebook and Twitter accounts. Dr McMullen welcomed the creative initiative saying,

“I understand that recent research shows that 67% of the population know a practicing Christian and that of these, 20% of people want to know more about faith matters. These videos are just a starting point for people to share their faith online in the hope that they will spark a conversation and encourage other Christians to share their faith on social media too.”

“As a Church we have had a general Twitter account since 2009, the Moderator’s Twitter account opened in 2013 and we’ve had our Facebook page for the past 2 years. These platforms are a way to highlight PCI events and our news stories to a wider audience, so please share our campaign posts, especially if you manage a Church Facebook page.”

Dr McMullen concluded by saying, “We all have the power to share the good news with others and Christmas is a great time to remind people of the true meaning of Christmas. It’s not about the trees or the turkey, the presents or the pudding. It’s not just a busy time of year for people as their work demands extra shifts and late hours. It’s a time to reflect on Jesus’ coming into the world to be the light it has waited for and the hope that it needs. We celebrate that and rejoice as we remember Christmas truly means more.”

You can watch all the Christmas Means More short films on the PCI Vimeo channel here and please get sharing them on your own social media channels.

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