The Silent Listeners of Gilnahirk | Townsend Street Presbyterian Church

The Silent Listeners of Gilnahirk | Townsend Street Presbyterian Church

A history presentation on ‘The Silent Listeners of Gilnahirk’ can be seen at Townsend Street Presbyterian Church, Belfast on Friday 16th November 2018.

The Silent Listeners of Gilnahirk | Townsend Street Presbyterian ChurchRunning from 7:00pm until around 9:00pm, the presentation will explain how ‘the silent listeners of Gilnahirk” helped to end the Second World War. This is a wonderful PowerPoint-illustrated talk given by George Busby. It will take place in the War Memorial Hall (beside the main church building). Supper will be provided. It is a free event, but a collection will be made for the “Special Events Fund’

Townsend Street Presbyterian Church is located at 32 Townsend Street, Belfast, BT13 2ES. Its members would love to see you there. Supervised Car Parking will be available.
For more information about the church, find them on Facebook here.

belfastgeorge busbysecond world warthe listeners of gilnahirktownsend street presbyterian church
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