LESS ONE Ladies Friendship Group monthly meeting

Tuesday 6th November 2018
LESS ONE Ladies Friendship Group monthly meeting

The next LESS ONE Ladies Friendship Group monthly meeting will take place on Tuesday 6th November 2018. The venue is 3 Sixteen Café on Main Street, Portglenone and it starts at 10:30am.

This month’s speaker is Mrs Joyce Kerr, founder of Goshen Ministries. She will be speaking about her work amongst ladies in Kenya.

LESS ONE Ladies Friendship Group monthly meetingMembers are asked to bring along their unwanted shoes. These will be sold in one of Goshen’s three Mission Shops. Two of these shops are situated in Ballymena, one on Springwell Street and the other on Larne Road. A further outlet is in Mountsandel, Coleraine.
Proceeds from these are used to transform women’s lives for the better in Africa.

As well as hearing from Joyce, everyone will enjoy the six Cs – cake, chorus, chat, coffee, craic and comfort.
Angela Whyte and her team are, as always, grateful to the Minister and Kirk Session of First Portglenone Presbyterian Church for use of their facilities.

LESS ONE Ladies Friendship Group monthly meeting is open to all ladies who are living alone.

Free parking is available in the Church Car Park opposite the Café. Anyone who needs a lift to LESS ONE should let Angela or one of the team know and they will collect you. You can send a message on their Facebook page here.

For more news about Goshen Ministries visit their Facebook page here.

3 sixteen cafegoshen ministriesjoyce kerrkenyaless one ladies friendship groupportglenone
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