Care NI Open Event at Dundonald Elim Church

Care NI Open Event at Dundonald Elim Church

Care NI Open Event at Dundonald Elim Church.

This CARE NI Open Event has been organised for those who have experienced pregnancy loss, or who want to be better equipped to stand alongside those who have.

It will take place on Saturday 17th November 2018. The venue is Dundonald Elim Church, East Link Road, Dundonald, Belfast, BT16 2QR and will run from 9:30am – 3pm.

Care NI Open Event at Dundonald Elim Church

The day is particularly relevant for pastoral workers seeking to support those who have faced loss through miscarriage, still birth, abortion or other circumstances. There will be opportunity for reflection and prayer if desired.

Care NI Open Event at Dundonald Elim Church ~ Saturday 17th November ~ 9:30am to 3pm

There is no charge for the day and a free lunch will be provided. Donations welcome.
For more information, and for catering purposes, please confirm your place by RSVP to Tim Martin on 07534 911037 or

Keep up-to-date with Care NI news on their Facebook page here.

care nicare ni open eventdundonald elim churchpastoral workerspregnancy loss
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