Invitation to a meeting in The Hub – Cookstown

Invitation to a meeting in The Hub – Cookstown

You are invited to a meeting in The Hub – Cookstown taking place on Saturday 6th October 2018 with David Robinson & John Greenaway. The meeting starts at 7:30pm and light refreshments will be available.

Invitation to a meeting in The Hub - Cookstown

David and John invite everyone to come along. They say, “In recent weeks the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk. Arthritis, rheumatism and fibromyalgia have been banished and the depressed have found a new life. Come and be healed in Jesus name.”

The address for The Hub is 14 Burn Road, Cookstown BT80 8DN. You can find directions here.

A meeting for healing at The Hub, Cookstown

Saturday 6th October at 7:30pm, with David Robinson and John Greenaway


cookstowndavid robinsonhealingjohn greenawaymeeting for healingthe hub
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