New Priests were ordained in Connor Diocese

New Priests were ordained in Connor Diocese

Three new priests were ordained in Connor Diocese at a packed service in Christ Church Parish Church, Lisburn, on Sunday 9th September, 2018.

They were the Rev Derek Harrington, the Rev William Jeffrey and the Rev Ian Mills.

New Priests were ordained in Connor Diocese
At the Ordination of Priests for Connor Diocese in Christ Church, Lisburn, on 9th September are, from left: The Rev Clifford Skillen, Bishop’s Chaplain; the Rev Derek Harrington, ordained for Parish of Christ Church, Lisburn; The Rev John Rutter, Rural Dean, who preached; the Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy; the Rev William Jeffrey, ordained for the Parish of St Mark, Ballymacash; the Rev Canon William Taggart, Registrar; the Rev Ian Mills, ordained for the Grouped Parishes of Larne and Inver with Glynn and Raloo; the Very Rev Sam Wright, Dean of Connor; the Ven Paul Dundas, Archdeacon of Dalriada and rector of Christ Church, Lisburn.

Derek Harrington served his internship in the Parishes of Derg and Termonamongan, Diocese of Derry and Raphoe.  He was ordained for the Parish of Christ Church, Lisburn.

William Jeffrey was deacon intern in the Parishes of Killaney and Carryduff, Diocese of Down and Dromore, and he was ordained for the Parish of St Mark, Ballymacash.

Ian Mills was deacon intern in the parish of St John the Baptist, Agherton, Diocese of Connor, and he was ordained for the Grouped Parishes of Larne and Inver with Glynn and Raloo.

The new priests were ordained by the Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy. Preacher at the service was the Rev John Rutter, Derriaghy Rural Dean.

Read other news from the Church of Ireland Diocese of Connor website here.

christ church parish churchchurch of irelandconnor diocesediocese of connorlisburn
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