2018 Harvest Craft Fair at Cullybackey Methodist Church

2018 Harvest Craft Fair at Cullybackey Methodist Church

The 2018 Harvest Craft Fair at Cullybackey Methodist Church is on Saturday 29th September from 10:30am – 3:00pm. All proceeds from the Fair will go to support Christian Aid Ireland. The event is being organised by The Changing Rooms Cullybackey.

Entry to the fair is only £1.50 which includes tea/coffee. Young people under 16 get in free.

This is a very popular event with many of the traders returning for the third year in a row.There will also be several new stalls this year.

Please put the date in your diary. For those who like to get your Christmas shopping off to an early start this is a perfect opportunity! Lots of unique and handmade gift items will be on display.

2018 Harvest Craft Fair at Cullybackey Methodist Church ~ Saturday 29th September ~ 10:30am to 3:00pm

Local couple, Oonagh and Michael Dalton have been behind this venture since it started. They said,

“When we decided to organise the first Fair, it was to raise funds to set up a charity shop in Cullybackey to support Christian Aid Ireland. We are now on the verge of doing just that! The Changing Rooms on Main Street is not far off opening and we’re very excited about that.

We’re delighted that so many crafters and small businesses come to the Fair every year. We have another great line-up again this year. So please come along and support them and at the same time help us fund-raise for Christian Aid so they can continue their work of helping those in need across the world.”

Find out more about Christian Aid Ireland on their website here. Keep up to date with what’s happening at The Changing Rooms Cullybackey on their Facebook page here.

The address for Cullybackey Methodist Church where the 2018 Harvest Craft Fair is being held is 30 Shelling Hill Road, Cullybackey BT42 1NF.

2018 harvest craft fairchristian aidcullybackeycullybackey methodist churchharvest craft fair at cullybackey methodist churchthe changing rooms
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