New Deacons ordained in Diocese of Connor

New Deacons ordained in Diocese of Connor

Two new Deacons ordained in Diocese of Connor.

Two new Deacons were ordained to serve in the Diocese of Connor by the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy, Bishop of Connor. The service of ordination took place in St Paul’s Parish Church, Lisburn, on Wednesday September 5th 2018.

New Deacons ordained in Diocese of Connor
At the Service of Ordination of Deacons for Connor Diocese are, back row from left: The Rev Clifford Skillen, Bishop’s Chaplain; the Rev Canon William Taggart, Registrar; and the Very Rev Sam Wright, Dean of Connor (preacher). Front row from left: The Ven Paul Dundas, Archdeacon of Dalriada; the Rev Peter Blake; the Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy; the Rev Jonathan Cockerill; and the Rev Arthur Young, rector, St Paul’s, Lisburn. Photo: Norman Briggs.

The two new Deacons ordained in Diocese of Connor were Peter Blake and Jonathan Cockerill.

The new Deacons are Peter Blake and Jonathan Cockerill. Peter was ordained for the internship in the Parish of Whiterock and Glencairn, Belfast. Jonathan was ordained for the internship in the Parish of St Paul’s, Lisburn.
The preacher at the service was the Very Rev Sam Wright, Dean of Connor and rector of Lisburn Cathedral.

Read more news from the Diocese of Connor on their website here.

belfastdean of connordiocese of connorlisburnNew Deacons ordained in Diocese of Connorparish of st paul'sparish of whiterock and glencairn
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