Flourish! Training Day – Antrim Civic Centre

Flourish! Training Day – Antrim Civic Centre

Spaces are still available on the next Flourish! Training Day. This will take place at Antrim Civic Centre, Stiles Way, Antrim on Thursday 27th September 2018 from 9.30am to 4.30pm.
Flourish! is a partnership between Lighthouse Ireland and clergy from Churches throughout Northern Ireland aimed at suicide prevention.
The initiative has the backing of Ireland’s four main Church leaders and is supported by the Public Health Agency.

Flourish! Training Day – Antrim Civic CentreYou can register now for the next Flourish! Training Day – Antrim Civic Centre –

Thursday 27th September 2018.

Encouraging as many relevant people to come as possible, Emily Hanna from Flourish told us
“The aim of these training modules is to explore the relationship between the theological understanding of suicide and how this translates into pastoral action.
We invite all clergy, youth workers, church lay readers, lay pastoral workers and staff representatives from churches of all denominations to attend.”

To register for the training, please call Lighthouse on 02890 755070 or email: emily@lighthousecharity.com
Discover more about Flourish! by logging on to their website here.

antrim civic centrechurches throughout northern irelandflourishflourish training daylighthouse irelandpublic health agencysuicide prevention
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