Steve McGall – New Youth Co-Ordinator at First Ahoghill

Steve McGall – New Youth Co-Ordinator at First Ahoghill

Steve McGall is settling in well to his role as the new Youth Co-Ordinator at First Ahoghill Presbyterian Church. Steve, (28), a native of Ballymena, grew up in the Frys Road area of the town. He spent his formative years in First Ballymena Presbyterian Church.

Steve McGall - New Youth Co-Ordinator at First Ahoghill

He recalls: “I grew up in Church and I enjoyed it, developing great friendships along the way. I also had a love of learning which I brought with me to church. I loved hearing Bible stories and trying to answer quiz questions. Through these, I gained a lot of knowledge about God but wasn’t sure what it meant for me. Growing up I was quite a shy person and didn’t have the courage to ask for answers to the many questions I had about what I was learning and what it meant for me. However, when I was about 16 my sister became a Christian and one day after the Youth Worker from Church had visited her I decided to chat to her, and a few others, about Christianity. It was at that point that I realised that I needed to give my life to God.”

Steve enjoyed his years at Cambridge House Grammar School and looked set to embark on a career in Finance. However, just before his UCAS form was to be submitted, Steve felt led to apply to Bible College.

After chatting to his Minister, Steve enrolled at Union Theological College to study a Bachelor of Divinity. It was while he was there, he also enrolled in a Diploma in Youth Ministry and secured a one-year internship at First Ballymena. It was during this time that he discovered a real passion for Youth Work.

After graduating, Steve successfully applied for the position of Youth and Children’s Worker at Joymount Presbyterian Church in Carrickfergus. Reflecting on the ‘incredible experience’ he enjoyed there, he told us: “During my last few days in the job I said to Richard Graham, who is the minister there: ‘Looking back on my first week I don’t know why you gave me the job, because although I had studied all the strategies for Youth Work at university, within the first week I realised that I knew very little and was rather naive’ “I quickly discovered that youth ministry is all about the people. Joymount is the place where I learned about Youth Work and developed my gifts”.

Steve McGall, the new Youth Co-Ordinator at First Ahoghill is looking forward to working with the youth leaders and young people in the church.

In his new role, Steve will be seeking to encourage the youth leaders and programmes that are already running in the Church. He also hopes to mentor and disciple young people by helping them to explore the bible, find their gifts and subsequently grow in faith.

“I get excited about meeting and getting to know young people. I especially love seeing deep faith that is already in the lives of young teenagers, and nurturing the potential that is within them to love and serve God as they grow up. Ahoghill is a bigger place than I thought. Driving around and seeing all the houses, I think there is a lot of potential in the area. What is also really nice is the way that some of the other Churches in the village work together in the community – I am excited about all of that”, smiles Steve.

Outside Church, Steve enjoys music and song-writing. Along with his wife, Steph, he also loves walking/hiking and exploring new places as well as reading, drinking coffee and spending time with family and friends.

Read more news from First Ahoghill on their website here.

ballymenafirst ahoghill presbyterian churchjoymount presbyterian churchsteve mcgallyoung peopleyouth co-ordinator at first ahoghillyouth leaders
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