New Horizon Celebrates 30 Years

New Horizon Celebrates 30 Years

New Horizon celebrates 30 years at their annual event taking place in Coleraine this week.

Celebrating its 30th event, New Horizon takes place at Coleraine University this year from 4th – 10th August 2018. People from across Northern Ireland have gathered for a week of worship, teaching and fellowship that is open to all.  And the fitting theme for 2018 is “To the Praise of His Glory.”

The conference kicked off on Saturday night as 3,000 flooded into the iconic blue tent to hear best-selling American author Philip Yancey speak at the Opening Celebration. On Sunday evening, a capacity crowd of 3,500 gathered for worship, led by New Irish Arts with special guests Keith and Kristyn Getty.

Speaking on prayer, Philip Yancey said, “Prayer asks, ‘What is God doing and how can I be a part of it?’  It is not about what God can do for you but what you should be doing for God.”

New Horizon celebrates 30 years as this year’s week of events continue with morning Bible studies and evening celebrations.

Throughout this week Australian theologian Rikk Watts is leading the morning Bible Teaching at 10am, studying the Trinity.  Pastor and writer Sam Allberry is speaking at the evening celebrations at 7.15pm from Monday to Thursday.

Daily seminars explore diverse topics such as “How to live slave free” and “Abortion: Do we believe both lives matter?”

Bishop Ken Clarke will speak at the final evening celebration on Friday 10th August.

To find out more visit the New Horizon website here. Follow New Horizon NI on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

bible studiesbishop ken clarkecoleraine universityevening celebrationsnew horizonnew horizon celebrates 30 yearsnew irish artsphilip yanceyrikk wattssam allberry
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