Young Ballymena man, Amos Kennedy is heading to Kenya with AIM – Africa Inland Mission, for a year. He has penned the following article for readers of The Church Page to explain what he will be doing.
Amos writes: “My name is Amos Kennedy. I’m 21, from Ballymena and have just graduated from Queen’s with a degree in History and Politics. God willing, I will go to Kenya in September to serve with AIM (Africa Inland Mission) for 12 months, in an area of Northern Kenya called Marsabit County, close to the Ethiopian border.

I will be living and working with an AIM missionary family from the USA in their proclamation of the gospel to the semi-nomadic Gabraa people. Eddie and Rachel Andersen have lived in a settlement called Dukana since 2008, which including the surrounding area numbers around 20,000 people.
Some of their main ways of communicating the gospel to the Gabraa people are through a radio tower and audio recordings of scripture into the language of the Gabraa. There is also a garage in which young men are trained to be mechanics.
My time will be spent teaching Christian Religious Education (CRE) in a few schools in Dukana. I will also be involved in a youth ministry that the Andersen’s hope to get off the ground. I’ll also be learning the language and getting involved in a few other things that Eddie and Rachel have going on in Dukana in ministry to the Gabraa.
As I said in my first conversation with AIM, I have a deep desire to see the gospel spread among the semi-nomadic peoples of Northern Kenya. This desire comes from how clearly scripture displays our purpose to be the declaration of the glory of God to the nations. Two verses are constantly in my mind and heart;
Romans 10:14, “How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?” & 1 Chronicles 16:24, “Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples!”
I’m extremely thankful to God for this opportunity to live and work among unreached people groups and to learn from the AIM missionaries in Northern Kenya.
If you would like to know more, or are interested in supporting me prayerfully and otherwise, you can contact me on
Alternatively, you may also contact AIM’s mobiliser in Ireland, Alan Cousins, who is in charge of sending me out, at or on +44 7522 334555.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.”
Please pray for Amos Kennedy as he goes to Kenya for a year to serve with AIM.
Find out more about Africa Inland Mission on their website here.