Divine Healing Ministries | Colombian Pastor to Visit Belfast

Divine Healing Ministries | Colombian Pastor to Visit Belfast

Divine Healing Ministries (DHM) is looking forward to a further visit to Belfast by Pastor Hendrik Hoere. He is Pastor of the Abrigio Del Altimisso (Shelter of the Most High), in Cali, Colombia. Brother David Jardine, Director Emeritus of DHM, has partnered in mission with Pastor Hendrik for over 15 years. A team from Belfast has visited and ministered in Cali on several previous occasions.

Divine Healing Ministries | Colombian Pastor to Visit Belfast

Pastor Hendrik will be speaking at the following DHM healing services:

Monday, 18th June 2018.

  • 1:00pm – St George’s in High Street
  • 8:00pm – St Anne’s Cathedral

Tuesday, 19th June 2018

  • 8:00pm – St Finnian’s, Cregagh Park.


This visit will also allow time to plan for a team from DHM to visit Bolivia in October 2018. Pastor Hendrik also ministers here.
Brother David said of a previous trip to Columbia working with Pastor Hendrik:

“At the end of the trip we estimated around 150 people had come to faith. It is hard to understand this, as it often takes a long time in our culture to see this kind of response. One factor certainly is the dependence on God. In a society where there is no economic safety net, people do not have the material comforts that we do, and those that have, know it can change overnight. When a business fails, it can mean you are literally on the street. It was such an exciting trip and a sign that the relationship between the Church in Northern Ireland and the Church in Colombia is only going to grow stronger.”

Divine Healing Ministries | Colombian Pastor Hendrik Hoere to visit Belfast | Services on 18th & 19th June

The Director of Interdenominational Divine Healing Ministries (DHM), Fergus McMorrow, said:

“All those attending these services will be tremendously blessed and encouraged through hearing and experiencing testimonies of how the Lord is transforming lives across South America as well as here in Northern Ireland. There will be the opportunity to receive personal prayer at each service.”

For more information on Divine Healing Ministries, log on to their website here.

belfastcolombian pastordivine healing ministriespastor hendrik hoerest anne's cathedralst finnian'sst george's
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