Andrew Peterson in Concert | Wellington Presbyterian Church Ballymena

Andrew Peterson in Concert | Wellington Presbyterian Church Ballymena

An opportunity to see US musician, Andrew Peterson in concert at Wellington Presbyterian Church Ballymena. The date is Friday 6th July 2018 at 8:00pm.

Revealing a little more about the concert, Director of Music at Wellington, Erin McBride, told The Church Page:

“Andrew Peterson is an amazing songwriter and story teller about living a life led by God through the Holy Spirit. His songs touch on almost every human experience imaginable!”

Everyone who attends the concert can look forward to hearing tracks from Andrew’s latest recording Resurrection Letters Vol 1.

Andrew Peterson in Concert | Wellington Presbyterian Church Ballymena

Taken from Andrew Peterson’s website –

“On paper Resurrection Letters Vol 1 is a project that shouldn’t exist. The math doesn’t add up. After ten years of putting it off, ten years of feeling too intimidated and inadequate to write and record the project he instinctively knew could be the most important and personally meaningful of his career, Andrew Peterson wrestled a growing sense he could put it off no longer. After all, we’re only given so many years in this life.”

“Peterson’s twenty years of creative output as a songwriter and novelist had already served to articulate and shape the longings of hundreds of thousands of fans, turning and training their desires towards eternal things. His poetic and theologically rich expressions have been always honest, sometimes painful, ever restless, ever hopeful, ever human. He is the rare artist who clearly sees his talent, not as a reason for pride and self-promotion, but as a thing he is given primarily to steward in the service of others. And it was because of that posture of humility—and despite all his recent successes as a recording artist, novelist, filmmaker, and non-profit organizer—that the unfinished Resurrection Letters project was always present somewhere in the back of his mind unsettling him like a splinter under skin.”

Andrew Peterson in Concert | Wellington Presbyterian Church Ballymena | Friday 6th July 2018 at 8:00pm

Proceeds generated by the concert will be given to Christian charities who are working to end human trafficking.
To reserve your tickets visit the Wellington Presbyterian Church website here. A minimum donation of £10 is also payable at the door.

andrew petersonandrew peterson in concertballymenaresurrection letters vol 1wellington presbyterian church
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