Radio Ulster Broadcast Service from St Patrick’s Broughshane

Radio Ulster Broadcast Service from St Patrick’s Broughshane

BBC Radio Ulster are broadcasting the service from St Patrick’s Parish Church, Broughshane on Sunday 17th June 2018. You can tune in and listen on 92-95 FM and 1341 MW.

Radio Ulster Broadcast Service from St Patrick’s Broughshane

Looking forward to the service,  St. Patrick’s Rector, Rev. Andrew Campbell told The Church Page;
The broadcast starts at 10:15am and we need people in the church by 10:00am. The Sunday School are singing, and we are having refreshments afterwards in the hall. So please join us. There will also be a rehearsal for the choir, the Sunday School, the readers and those leading prayers at 4:00pm on the 16th June.”


For more information on St. Patrick’s Parish Church, Broughshane, log on to their website here.  You can also find them on Facebook here.

bbc radio ulsterbroadcastbroughshaneradio ulsterst. patrick's parish church
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