HeartShaper Sunday School Resource Launch

HeartShaper Sunday School Resource Launch

The new and innovative HeartShaper Sunday School resource will be launched at Wellington Presbyterian Church, Ballymena on Wednesday, 20th June 2018. The event will run from 7:30pm and be over by 9:00pm.
The HeartShaper Sunday School resource package from publisher, David C Cook, is designed to help children in your Sunday school or activity club discover God through His Word.

HeartShaper Sunday School Resource Launch

Each session will take your group through the Bible and its key themes. It encourages a life-long love of Scripture and helps children to see how God can shape their lives.

This Primary School edition, aimed at ages 5 to 11, has fifty-two sessions for your Sunday School or children’s activity groups. It is supplied with guided leaders notes and reproducible activity pages. Each session’s leader’s guide comes with four clear steps through each session – Focus In; Explore His Word; Make It Real; Live It Out

These are complemented with reproducible activity pages, including special needs friendly resources. This ensures every child is included and made to feel welcome.

Below are some comments from those who have already used the HeartShaper Sunday School resource:



“HeartShaper Is Life Changing! It stays true to the Bible and integrates Bible skills into each lesson.”

“Helps children learn to explore God’s Word and the direction it gives them.”

“Teaches more than just values – children explore questions such as ‘What does this teach me about God?’ & ‘Why is this story important to me?”

“Provides more than just fun and entertainment – children open their Bibles, participate in interactive Bible learning, and grow spiritually.”

“Each session works on its own offering flexibility to use HeartShaper all year or incorporate it into a mix-and-match approach.”

“Makes teaching easy and learning fun.”

“Doesn’t stop with head knowledge – children discover how Scripture applies to their lives.”

“Includes special needs friendly activities that work well with all kids, including those with special needs.”

HeartShaper Sunday School Resource Launch

Wellington Presbyterian Church, Ballymena on Wednesday, 20th June 2018 at 7:30pm.

The church address is 28 Sourhill Road, Ballymena BT42 2NB. Everyone who attends the evening at Wellington will receive a free bag of David C Cook resources as well as some refreshments.

To book your place, contact: Richard McChesney via richardmcchesney@outlook.com.

For more information about the Wellington Presbyterian Church, Ballymena, visit their website or Facebook page.

ballymenabibledavid c cookheartshaper sunday school resourceprimary school editionwellington presbyterian church
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