Flourish! Training Days – September and November 2018

Flourish! Training Days – September and November 2018

Flourish! Training Days are taking place in September and November 2018.

Flourish! are delighted to announce another two Training Days aimed at Clergy and Church Workers only.
The dates and locations for the training days are as follows:

Thursday 27th September 2018 at Antrim Civic Centre.
Thursday 22nd November 2018 at Omagh Enterprise Centre.

Both of these will start at 9:30am and end at 4:30pm.

Flourish! Training Days

Flourish! is a partnership between Lighthouse Ireland and clergy from Churches throughout Northern Ireland.
The initiative has the backing of Ireland’s four main Church leaders and is supported by the Public Health Agency.

Flourish! Training Days – ‘Working With Suicide’

A Flourish! spokesperson told The Church Page:
The aim of these training modules is to explore the relationship between the theological understanding of suicide and how this translates into pastoral action.
We invite all clergy, youth workers, church lay readers, lay pastoral workers and staff representatives from churches of all denominations to attend.”

To register for the training, please call Lighthouse on 02890 755070 or email: emily@lighthousecharity.com

Discover more about Flourish! by visiting their website here.

antrim civic centreclergy and church workersflourishflourish! training dayslighthouse irelandomagh enterprise centrepublic health agencyworking with suicide
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