Evening of Gospel Praise in Ballinderry

Evening of Gospel Praise in Ballinderry

“Everyone is welcome” to an Evening of Gospel Praise in Ballinderry.

The concert will be held at Roses Lane Ends Orange Hall in Ballinderry, Lisburn on Saturday 21st April 2018 at 7.30pm.
Several well-known Country Gospel artists plan to take part. These include Jacqueline Prentice, Testify, Alice Lindsay, Lynda Lindsay and Joy Boyd. Joy released her second solo album, ‘Light of That City’ last month to huge acclaim.

Evening of Gospel Praise in Ballinderry

Evening of Gospel Praise in Ballinderry – Roses Lane Ends Orange Hall, Ballinderry, Lisburn – Saturday 21st April 2018 at 7:30pm.

Admission to the concert is free although an offering in aid of the Alzheimer’s Society will be taken. Explaining why, concert organiser, Michelle Rea told The Church Page:

“I started to organise these concerts after my mother began to suffer from dementia. So far these events have been very successful and well attended. I also make calendars, bookmarks and coffee coasters to raise as much money as I can to help fight this disease. These will be on sale at the concert and everyone is welcome.”

alzheimer's societyballinderrycountry gospelevening of gospel praise in ballinderrylisburnroses lane ends orange hall