Help The Smiles Foundation Share Love, Hope and Faith

Help The Smiles Foundation Share Love, Hope and Faith

Could you help The Smiles Foundation share love, hope and faith to people in Romania?

There are many ways you can help and support their work. You don’t have to go to Romania to help, but going on a ‘Smiles’ mission trip is a life-changing experience for anyone who does!

Barbara Morrison, from Ballymoney, is The Smiles Foundation Development Ambassador and Volunteer Coordinator. Barbara spoke to The Church Page about the various options open to everyone who would like to help.

“There are 3 key areas where you can help The Smiles Foundation.

Firstly, if you are a church or organisation leader could I encourage you to allow one of our representatives to come and give a presentation. Our presentations will summarise the various projects we are working on in Romania. These are a great introduction to The Smiles Foundation. Contact me by email or phone 07880 875 845 to discuss this with you.

Secondly, our mission trips. I would encourage everyone who can, to go on a mission trip! They give YOU an opportunity to bring hope and love to the people who Romanian society has largely ignored. Our mission trips run throughout the year and are open to individuals, families, church groups etc. Check out the Mission Trip section of our website here to find out more.

Thirdly, donate. There are many ways you can donate to The Smiles Foundation. We obviously need money to fund all the projects, so one-off or regular monthly monetary donations are very welcome. You can donate using our online facility here.

You can also donate your time. Perhaps organise a fundraising event for us? Typical events which our volunteers have planned include coffee mornings, sponsored walks, concerts, a craft fair and big breakfast events. Could you give up some of your time to organise an event to help support our work in Romania?

A big part of our support here in Northern Ireland is to send out containers full of supplies to Romania, on a regular basis. You can be a part of that and donate items to go on the containers. Click here to see the current ‘wish list’ of items which are needed.  

So as you can see there are lots of options available if you would like to help The Smiles Foundation. Remember we are told the following in 1 Peter 4 v 10.”

‘Each of you should use whatever gifts you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.’

Will you help The Smiles Foundation share love, hope and faith in Romania?

You can find out much more about The Smiles Foundation including their projects in Romania, mission trips and news on their website here.

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