Dean of Connor Facing Gaol Term for Abaana

Dean of Connor Facing Gaol Term for Abaana

The Very Rev Sam Wright, Dean of Connor, is set to serve a term in Crumlin Road Gaol from Monday 12th March, 2018!
He will be joined by another key member of Connor Diocese, Mr Roy Totten, a parishioner in Glenavy and a member of the Diocesan Council.

This is all for a good cause as the ‘bail’ money raised to get them out will be going to help local charity Abaana’s work in Africa.

Thankfully, neither man has been found guilty of any crime! But they are being incarcerated in the Belfast prison in order to give children in northern Uganda the freedoms we all take for granted. These include hygenic toilet facilities, Bible teaching and a caring face as they prepare to bed down in a city street.

Both Roy and Dean Sam, who is rector of Lisburn Cathedral, will have to appeal to those who believe in them to raise funds for their bail and have them freed!
They are among a number of ‘volunteers’ who will be locked up for the day on Monday by a group of young people from Lisburn Cathedral who are planning to visit Uganda with local charity Abaana in July this year.

The team will be working across a range of Abaana’s projects. This will include building a new toilet block at the Dr Andrew McAvoy Primary School in northern Uganda. Also holding a three-day holiday bible club and working with street children in Kampala, the capital city of Uganda.

Dean of Connor facing Gaol term for Abaana but you can help set them free!!

In order to escape their gaol cell, Dean Sam, Roy and the other volunteers will have to raise sponsorship to pay their bail! You can sponsor Sam directly on this link or to sponsor Roy follow this link. Please give generously – Connor Diocese needs these men back at work asap!

To learn more about Abaana, or the work the Lisburn Cathedral team will be doing in Uganda this summer, please contact Neville Jones on 07796936768 or by email

abaanacharitycrumlin road gaoldean of connorlisburn cathedralthe very rev sam wrightuganda