PCI Mission in Ireland Information Evenings

PCI Mission in Ireland Information Evenings

The Presbyterian Church in Ireland (PCI) has announced the dates for its annual series of Mission in Ireland Information Evenings. These will take place on several dates in March 2018. These events will showcase mission work at home on the island. They will be opened by the Moderator, Rt Rev Dr Noble McNeely, who will speak at the first evening. It takes place in Belmont Presbyterian Church in Belfast on 11th March 2018.

PCI Mission in Ireland Information Evenings

PCI Mission in Ireland Information Evenings

The information evenings are organised by the Church’s Council for Mission in Ireland (CMI).  They are an opportunity to discover more about the work of the Council. Also to hear from guest speakers who will highlight their work and witness in the places that God has placed them.

Looking forward to the first evening in Belmont Presbyterian Church in Belfast, Dr McNeely said,

“When people think of ‘mission’ we probably think of the work of the great missionaries of the 19th and 20th centuries. Perhaps also the amazing work that our global mission workers are doing overseas today.

In Matthew we read how Jesus calls each of us to mission and the making of disciples as part of the Great Commission. Later in the Book of Acts Jesus instructs His followers to start locally, being His witnesses at home in Jerusalem first.

The work at home here in Ireland is not finished. Travelling across the island, encouraging our Church and discovering its unique contribution to local life, I see the amazing work that is being done in the name of Christ by those engaged in Home Mission. The Information Evenings that are coming up are great opportunities to find out more about this invaluable work and the work of the Council for Mission in Ireland.”

The PCI Mission in Ireland Information Evenings take place in:

Belmont Presbyterian Church, Belfast and Drumquin Presbyterian Church, Omagh (11th March 2018 – Belmont at 7pm, Drumquin at 7:30pm)

Killymurris Presbyterian Church, near Ballymena and First Cookstown Presbyterian (14th March 2018 at 8pm in both churches)

Muckamore Presbyterian Church (18th March 2018 at 7pm),

Newtowncunningham Presbyterian Church, County Donegal (21st March 2018 at 8pm)

First Larne Presbyterian Church (25th March 2018 at 7pm).

Full details can be found on the Presbyterian church website here. Type ‘mission’ in the ‘search by keyword’ box and hit search.

Encouraging people with an interest in mission to attend, Very Rev Dr Frank Sellar, convener of the Council for Mission in Ireland, said.

“The role of the Council is amazingly diverse and includes overseeing the huge variety of work in Home Mission and Irish Mission.

The annual information evenings are an opportunity to hear first hand what the Council for Mission in Ireland is currently doing. They also provide an opportunity for members of our congregations to get a glimpse into mission work in Ireland, where the guest speakers highlight stories of God at work. Everyone is warmly invited.”

council for mission in irelandmission in ireland information eveningsmission workpresbyterian church in irelandrt rev dr noble mcneely