Spring Jumble Sale at St Patrick’s Ballymena

Spring Jumble Sale at St Patrick’s Ballymena

The Church Lads & Girls Brigade at St Patrick’s Church Ballymena are holding a Grand Spring Jumble Sale. It will be held on Friday 2nd March 2018 at 7:00pm in St Patrick’s Church Halls, Castle Street, Ballymena.
Everyone will be made very welcome. There will be plenty of bargains on the night!

Spring Jumble Sale at St Patrick’s Ballymena

Donations will be gratefully received for the Grand Spring Jumble Sale at St Patrick’s Ballymena.

Donations of bric-a-brac, clothes, furniture, books, toys, unused gifts, groceries and cakes will be gratefully received. Contact Alan Ross on 028 2589 2740 or 07759916755.

Grand Spring Jumble Sale ~ Friday 2nd March 2018 at 7pm ~ St Patrick’s Church Halls, Castle Street, Ballymena.

For more information on Ballymena Parish churches, log onto their website here. You can also find them on Facebook here.

ballymena parishchurch ladsgirls brigadegrand spring jumble salest patrick's ballymena