Cullybackey Elim Church Building 30th Anniversary Meetings

Cullybackey Elim Church Building 30th Anniversary Meetings

You will be welcome at any of the special meetings which are planned to mark the Cullybackey Elim Church building 30th anniversary.

Join with the congregation as they celebrate 30 years of being in the current church building on Shellinghill Road. Malcolm Duncan, Pastor of Gold Hill Baptist Church in London, will address these services.

Cullybackey Elim Church Building 30th Anniversary Meetings

Special meetings to celebrate Cullybackey Elim Church Building 30th Anniversary.

These services will take place as follows:

  • Sunday 4th February 2018 at 11:30am
  • Sunday 4th February 2018 at 6:00pm
  • Monday 5th February 2018 at 8:00pm

Speaker – Malcolm Duncan

Malcolm Duncan is originally from Rathcoole in Newtownabbey, County Antrim. He was converted as a teenager. Malcolm has been involved in local church ministry for over 30 years. He has preached in over 55 countries around the world. He is committed to seeing the Word of God and the Gospel shared in as many ways as possible. Malcolm’s messages will focused on being thankful and encouraged by our past,while looking at what the church needs to be in the future.

Malcolm Duncan is a gifted speaker and will be sure to challenge and encourage both believers and unbelievers. So, if your free come along and invite your friends. Everyone is welcome.

Cullybackey Elim church address is 62 Shellinghill Road, Cullybackey, Ballymena BT42 1NR.
For more information on Cullybackey Elim Church, visit their website here. Find them on Facebook here. 

ballymenacullybackey elimcullybackey elim churchcullybackey elim church building 30th anniversarygold hill baptist churchmalcolm duncan