Peregrino – New Book By Enniskillen Minister

Peregrino – New Book By Enniskillen Minister

Peregrino is the title of a new book by Rev David Cupples, Minister of Enniskillen Presbyterian Church. 
Peregrino is a book of spiritual reflections and devotions. It was written during a sabbatical earlier this year when David undertook a pilgrimage throughout Northern Spain.

Peregrino - New Book By Enniskillen Minister

Explaining more, David told The Church Page:

“Peregrino is a collection of 84 daily readings based on my thoughts and reflections while on my two month walk in April and May along the Camino de Santiago.”
“Each daily reflection has a Bible reading on the page so it is really a book for believers, for people with a church background or who would at least be willing to read a Bible passage. People on an earnest spiritual quest should find it accessible.”

Copies of Peregrino, the new book by Enniskillen minister Rev David Cupples are now available.

“The book will be available from our Church Mouse Shop (open on Fridays). Also at the Real Life Bookshop in Enniskillen or by contacting me directly.”

All monies raised from sales of the book will go directly to help support work in Jordan and Syria. In particular to help with the work among displaced people and those suffering as a result of violence in Syria and Iraq.

David also said:

“I have just returned from Jordan and seen some of what the Camino money has done – the money you gave! I’m thrilled. The £20,000 which went to Aleppo in Syria has been used to sink 4 wells. These are now bringing clean water to 60,000 people!”
“If you gave money to my Camino Fund, your first copy of the book is free. Additional copies are £10. It is a big, glossy publication with 180 pages and lots of photos!”
“One way it might be of value to you just now is as a small Christmas gift, providing people with a set of Bible readings and devotional.”

Find out more about Peregrino, the new book by Enniskillen Minster Rev David Cupples by emailing

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camino fundenniskillen ministernew book by enniskillen ministerperegrinorev david cupples