West Church Ballymena Christmas Tree and Flower Festival

West Church Ballymena Christmas Tree and Flower Festival

This is a reminder of the West Church Ballymena Christmas Tree and Flower Festival, on from Friday 1st – Sunday 3rd December 2017.

Christmas is just around the corner! At West Church Ballymena the scene is set for a stunning floral extravaganza to celebrate this wondrous time of year in the church’s calendar.
During the first weekend in December, the Christmas Tree and Flower Festival will see West Church transformed with magnificent floral art displays, created under the artistic directorship of Chelsea Gold Medal winner, Richard Haslam.
The individual displays have all been thoughtfully designed to represent the message and music of the Christmas season, resulting in a superb floral feast for the eyes.
In addition, Ballymena VisArt group will host an Art Exhibition at West Church throughout the Festival. Exhibits will be available to purchase. Christmas crafts will also be on sale during the weekend.

West Church Ballymena Christmas Tree and Flower Festival

West Church Minister, Rev Daniel Kane, is extending a warm invitation to everyone in the local community and beyond to visit the Festival, a key part of the church’s Christmas programme.
“Celebration is the theme of our Christmas Tree and Flower Festival with Art Exhibition. We are full of excited anticipation as the interior of the church will be decked with floral and artistic beauty as an act of adoration to the beauty of the Baby born in the manger. This is your personal invitation to join us for this unique event. Help us raise funds for our Church and for Northern Ireland Hospice.”

Opening times for the West Church Ballymena Christmas Tree and Flower Festival weekend are as follows:

Friday 1st December 2017
12.00 noon – 5.00pm; Opening Service 7.30pm
Saturday 2nd December 2017
10.00am – 8.00pm
Sunday 3rd December 2017
1.00pm – 6.00pm; Closing Service 7.30pm

During the Festival weekend, refreshments will be available at West Church. (morning and afternoon tea/coffee and also light lunches)
Admission to the Festival is free. Any donations received will be in aid of the church and Northern Ireland Hospice.
For more information on West Church Ballymena visit their website here.

ballymenachristmasrev daniel kanerichard haslamwest church ballymenawest church ballymena christmas tree and flower festival