Willis McDowell Steps Down as Pastor of Victory Praise Community Church

Willis McDowell Steps Down as Pastor of Victory Praise Community Church

After serving 10 years in the role Willis McDowell steps down as Pastor of Victory Praise Community Church, Ballymena. He announced his decision to the Pennybridge congregation on Sunday morning, 12th November 2017. He went on to say that he felt led by God to move from his role as Pastor to a new ministry.

Willis McDowell Steps Down as Pastor of Victory Praise Community Church

Before assuming the role of Pastor, Willis also served for a number of years as Assistant Pastor.

Willis thanked the leadership and the members of the Church for their love, support and friendship during his time as Pastor.

The out-going Pastor highlighted the goodness and the faithfulness of God during his time in ministry.
He stressed that the physical and spiritual growth of the Church was due to the love, grace and mercy of a faithful God. This leaves a good foundation for the new pastor, Stephen Johnston.

Willis McDowell steps down as Pastor of Victory Praise Community Church, Pennybridge, Ballymena.

Willis McDowell Steps Down as Pastor of Victory Praise Community Church

Anyone who knows Willis, will know that his greatest passion is for evangelism. He is grateful to God for the opportunities that have already opened up for him to return to this calling.

As a founding member of the ClubReach team, Willis was able to maintain his passion for evangelism on the streets of Ballymena on a Friday night, while pastoring Victory Praise Community Church.

He said that not only was he encouraged by the number of people who have been reached, but was also encouraged by the number of members who joined the team from various churches and people who never thought they could do this type of ministry are now very important members of the team.

Willis has over forty years of evangelistic experience. He has put that experience to good use by teaching a six-week course on evangelism, entitled ‘Telling My Story’. This short course has been taught, free of charge, to churches and small groups to encourage people to share their story, irrespective of their age or background. The course has been successful in re-igniting a passion in people for evangelism. Also kindling a passion in others who have no experience in evangelism.
As Willis says: “Anyone can do it, they just need direction.”

To find out more about Victory Praise Community Church visit their website here. Find them on Facebook here.

ballymenaclubreachevangelismpennybridgevictory praise community churchwillis mcdowell