PCI Missionary Evening – Africa In Focus

PCI Missionary Evening – Africa In Focus

You are invited to a PCI missionary evening – Africa in Focus. This special evening is on Friday 10th November 2017 in Hillhall Presbyterian Church near Lisburn. It will focus on PCI’s work and partnerships with churches and organisations in Africa.

PCI Missionary Evening - Africa In Focus

Africa In Focus is an open invitation event to hear first-hand from two of PCI’s global missions workers on their work in Kenya and Malawi. It is also an opportunity get an update on the South Sudan crisis. This was a factor leading to the launch earlier this year of the Moderator’s Special Appeal for East Africa.

The appeal has since raised over £600,000 for the relief effort in the region through partner development agencies Christian Aid, Tearfund and the Presbyterian Church of South Sudan’s (PCOSS) Relief and Development Agency.

Rev Uel Marrs, secretary to the Presbyterian Church in Ireland’s Council for Global Mission met with representatives of PCOSS during a visit to Nairobi in the summer and will report on the situation.

PCI Missionary Evening - Africa In Focus
Rev Uel Marrs

“Working with partners in more than 25 countries around the world PCI has a continuing heart for global mission. On Friday 10th November we have an opportunity to find out more about our sharing in God’s mission in Kenya and Malawi, where our global mission workers are serving alongside our partner churches and organisations. I look forward to giving an overview of developments in South Sudan. It will also be an opportunity to pray for our partners and global mission workers in the region.” Rev Marrs said.

Stephen Cowan and his wife Angelina have been serving in Kenya with PCI’s partners, the Presbyterian Church of East Africa for the past 30 years. Here they have worked among the Samburu and Turkana peoples of Northern Kenya. Stephen will join Dr Lyn Dowds, Acting Medical Officer in Charge at David Gordon Memorial Hospital in Livingstonia, in Northern Malawi, to talk about their work. Dr Dowds has been in the country with her husband Johnny and their two children since 2011.

“As disciples of Jesus Christ we are called to be a blessing to others, not just at home in Ireland, but overseas as well. PCI has a long tradition of overseas mission, which is supported by the sacrificial giving of Presbyterians at home,” Rev Marrs explained.

“In addition to our 30 global mission workers the Church supports around the world, approximately 140 PCI members from 70 congregations who are also serving with around 30 independent mission agencies in over 55 countries worldwide.”

You are welcome to this PCI missionary evening – Africa In Focus ~ Friday 10th November ~ Hillhall Presbyterian Church, Lisburn.

“If you support our work overseas, or are just interested in global mission and want to find out more, you are more than welcome to join us. We are looking forward to hearing from Stephen and Lyn as we focus on Central and East Africa, where we have been sharing the gospel and bringing Christ’s love in practical ways for nearly 60 years.”

Hillhall Presbyterian Church address is 163 Hillhall Road, Lisburn BT27 5JA. Africa In Focus is free to attend.

To read more about PCI’s mission projects, partners and much more click here to go to their website.

africaafrica in focushillhall presbyterian churchlisburnpci missionary eveningpresbyterian church in ireland