Radio Cracker Gospel Concert

Radio Cracker Gospel Concert

A Radio Cracker Gospel Concert will take place on Friday 17th November 2017. The venue is High Kirk Presbyterian Church, Thomas Street, Ballymena (kindly granted) and starts at 7:45pm.

Radio Cracker Gospel Concert

Among those taking part in the concert are two of Radio Cracker’s current presenters, Warren Smyth and Billy McFarland. Also the fabulous Laura Dowey, Kathryn Mitchell, Alex Robb and The Morrisons. The event will also feature Three Plus One.

A suggested donation of £10 has been set for the Radio Cracker Gospel Concert.

Radio Cracker Gospel Concert

Radio Cracker Ballymena have, for around 25 years now, been helping to fund Christian charities working around the world. Each year around 6 to 8 charities are awarded funding to assist with specific projects. The money raised to be able to do this is done through several fundraising events each year, including this concert. Also from sponsorship, advertising and donations from business and individuals while the station is on air each year. A substantial amount is also raised by the Radio Cracker charity shop, which will soon be open in The Tower Centre, Ballymena. Click here to read short summaries of where last year’s donations were distributed.

Radio Cracker Gospel Concert – Friday 17th November 2017 – High Kirk Presbyterian Church – 7:45pm.

This will be a great night to hear some of the best of Northern Ireland’s gospel talent.

Radio Cracker Ballymena will begin their 2017 broadcast on Sunday 26th November. We’ll bring you more details closer to that time.

alex robbballymenabilly mcfarlandhigh kirk presbyterian churchkathryn mitchelllaura doweyradio crackerradio cracker gospel concertthe morrisonswarren smyth