Ballymena Author Alistair Bates Launches New Books

Ballymena Author Alistair Bates Launches New Books

Ballymena author Alistair Bates, who is also minister of Wellington Presbyterian Church, is launching two new books.

A Coffee Morning and the Book Launch will be held on Saturday 7th October 2017 between 10:00am-1:00pm. The venue is Cafe Aroma in Wellington Church on the Sourhill Road, Ballymena.

Alistair Bates will be present at the event to officially launch his latest books. The first is entitled: ‘Halloween, Happy Holiday or Dangerous Deception?’ The other one is called: ‘Vital Signs Book 1 – A Bible Study on the first two sayings of Jesus on the Cross.’ This is a booklet which seeks to bring hope set against the dark skies of Jerusalem on Good Friday.
£2 from the sale of the Halloween book and £1 from Vital Signs will be donated to International Justice Mission (IJM)

Ballymena Author Alistair Bates Launches New Books

The International Justice Mission is a Christian organisation involved in seeking to defend the poor against violence. Alistair says,“In many cases this involves liberating children who have been trafficked into the sex industry. Also supporting individuals and families exploited by cheap, or non-paid labour. IJM are also resolved to bring justice those involved in corrupt policing, property grabbing or violence against women. At the heart of IJM is a desire to fight for social justice regardless of gender, class or race. That is why I am so keen to endorse their message because it is drawn from Christian principles that have their foundations with both the Old and New Testament. Such actions may be manifested in the trafficking of children to be used in the sex industry. This torture is an everyday threat and involves families exploited in cheap or abusive working relationship with little or no pay.”

“Other areas of grave concern involve of rape, police corruption or property grabbing. Recently Wellington held their first Freedom Sunday. The message was clear we must fight to end human slavery and violence against the most vulnerable and weak within society”.

Alistair will be on hand to speak about the book and no doubt sign copies if required. He spoke to The Church Page ahead of the book launch.

“I am personally resolved to write about what God has placed on my heart. Also, I want my writing not only to bless, challenge or encourage the reader, but to help practically. I want it to financially support and bless others who are more needy. I really do hope people come out and support this work.”

Ballymena author Alistair Bates launches his two latest books at Wellington Church on Saturday 7th October 2017.

The Coffee Morning and Book Launch will be held in Cafe Aroma and everyone is welcome. If you are unable to make this event the books can be bought at Faith Mission Bookshop Ballymena, and the Mustard Seed Bookshop, Cullybackey. Alternatively, the books can be purchased online at Bates Books website here and the same donations to IJM will apply.

alistair batesballymena author alistair batesbook launchhalloween happy holiday or dangerous deceptioninternational justice missionvital signs book 1