2017 Ballymena Church Members Forum AGM

2017 Ballymena Church Members Forum AGM

The 2017 Ballymena Church Members Forum AGM will take place on Monday 18th September 2017. The venue is West Presbyterian Church, Ballymoney Rd, Ballymena. 
It would be such an encouragement to Forum members if as many people as possible could attend.

2017 Ballymena Church Members Forum AGM – Monday 18th September – 7:30pm – West Church Ballymena

The Forum’s chairperson, Wilbert Morton told The Church Page:

“This year our guest speaker is Very Rev Dr Norman Hamilton OBE. Norman is a former Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland and was Minister of Ballysillan Presbyterian church at the time of The Holy Cross school protests. As a result he has great experience of working in divided communities.

Our AGM is happening in Community Relations and Cultural Awareness Week run by Mid & East Antrim Borough Council. Because of this we have given Norman the theme of “Shared Space – Safe Place.” This will link in with the theme chosen by the Council for that week. I am sure that his talk will be thoughtful, challenging and well worth hearing.”

For more information on the Ballymena Church Members Forum visit their website here. You can also find them on Facebook here. 

2017 ballymena church members forum agmballymenaballymena church members forumwest presbyterian church