Evening of Testimony With Dean Braxton at Cullybackey Elim

Evening of Testimony With Dean Braxton at Cullybackey Elim

You are invited to an evening of testimony with Dean Braxton at Cullybackey Elim Church. It’s on Sunday 11th June 2017 and the evening starts at 6:00pm.
Have you ever wondered about the afterlife? Hear the testimony of how Dean Braxton died for an hour and 45 minutes and what he experienced in heaven.

Evening of Testimony With Dean Braxton at Cullybackey Elim

Come along to what is described as ‘an inspiring night’ at an evening of testimony with Dean Braxton at Cullybackey Elim.

Dean died for one hour and 45 minutes and was miraculously prayed back to life. During his experience in Heaven, he was told by Jesus, “No, it is not your time. Go back!”

Marilyn shares about how she pressed into God through prayer and what it took on her part to believe for healing for Dean off his death bed.

Their testimony has caused many to give their hearts to the Lord and has given many the sense of how much God loves each and every one of us.
Everyone is welcome to be there for what will be an inspiring night. Come along and bring a friend. Cullybackey Elim Church is located at 62 Shellinghill Road, Cullybackey BT42 1NR
For more information log on to their website hereFind them on Facebook here.

afterlifecullybackeycullybackey elim churchdean braxtonevening of testimony