Ushers Needed for Ireland4Jesus Ballymena

We brought you details recently of a series of Ireland4Jesus Ballymena events taking place at the end of May. These include three nights of tent meetings at Ballee Playing Fields.

Pastor Rick Johnston from Broughshane is responsible for ushers for these 3 nights and is currently needing volunteers.

Ushers Needed for Ireland4Jesus Ballymena

Rick outlined what is expected from everyone who volunteers as an usher.

“The Ireland4Jesus evangelistic crusade is coming to Ballymena. One of the planned events is a series of tent meetings on the nights of Sunday 28th, Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th May at the Ballee playing fields. I am overseeing the ushers for the event and have a desperate need of volunteers, especially men.

Ushers will welcome attendees, but their main function will be to go forward at the appeal and encourage and assist those responding to the gospel call. They will also help fill out decision cards with those responding so follow-up can be attended to.

Training for the ushers is mandatory. The next training session will be Tuesday 23rd May at Ballykeel Pentecostal Church, Ballymena. It will run from 7:30pm to approx 8:30pm.”

Ushers needed for Ireland4Jesus Ballymena tent meetings at Ballee playing fields. These are taking place on 28th, 29th & 30th May. Could you help?

If you love the Lord and would like to be involved as an usher at the Ireland4Jesus tent meetings then please get in touch with Pastor Rick on 07875 540741. Find Ireland4Jesus Ballymena on their Facebook page here. To read our previous article outlining all the Ireland4Jesus Ballymena events taking place at the end of May click here.

ballee playing fieldsballymenaireland4jesusireland4jesus ballymenatent meetingsushers